E-SPACE project presented as part of a Dementia Masterclass in UNIR Supercuidadores (Madrid, Spain)

On April 8th, the researcher Dr. Unai Diaz-Orueta will be in Madrid (Spain) presenting a masterclass on the E-SPACE project and the features of the process-based approach for neuropsychological evaluation of dementia. The venue will be UNIR University, more specifically, at the dependencies of UNIR Supercuidadores (in English, UNIR Supercaregivers), a spin-off of UNIR university devoted to offering online resources, courses, etc., both to formal and informal caregivers.

Dr. Diaz-Orueta will teach the masterclass on the UNIR online platform on April 8th, 3.00 pm CET, with the title: "Process-based cognitive evaluation in Dementia". He will detail the advantages of a more qualitative, process-based cognitive evaluation versus traditional quantitative evaluation that relies exclusively on scores obtained in cognitive tests.

The aim of the masterclass is to show how putting the focus on processes and strategies the individual adopts when faced with cognitive tests increases the quality of information that may be obtained for a clearer diagnosis of cognitive problems. Almost certainly,  this may relate to a better understanding of how the individual faces cognitive challenges in daily life situations.

The presentation targets both professionals and caregivers (either formal or informal) who want to develop further knowledge of a more detailed approach to understanding dementia and the masterclass will include a description of E-SPACE as a research project that aims to identify and develop a number of cognitive tests to enable clinicians to improve early and accurate diagnosis.

The session will be held in Spanish. Further details can be obtained in the following links:

